“At BathEmpire we have strived to source only the highest quality products at competitive prices. But we haven’t sacrificed quality or style during the journey.”

We work closely with our manufacturers and designers to strive for a range of products that ensure your bathroom remains both stylish and practical.

We establish project goals at the start of every design phase and usually start by producing a collection of sketches that bring out the best features of the new products. These are discussed and frequently amended before the best suited designs are then forwarded onto our engineers. At this final stage, the strongest and most durable method of manufacture is planned and applied.

Gravity Die Casting

This involves compressing the liquid brass into a single mould. Where possible, we try to make all products using a single casting.

Grade A Brass

This means that our brass has a pure copper content of at least 59% and a lead content which remains less than 2% of the total.

Hand Inspection

Once assembled and coated, each radiator will be inspected by hand. Any imperfections will be spotted and the radiator will be rejected.

Cutting-Edge Style

Our products are at the forefront of cutting edge design. You can be assured that our Coventry HQ can and will remain a hub of quality and innovation.

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